Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan on Sunday said there will be a 10 times rise in Covaxin vaccine production by September while manufacture of remdesivir jabs, an anti-viral drug against COVID-19, will be doubled to 74.1 lakh each month by May. In a series of tweets, he also said all support is being extended to states to fight COVID-19 and uninterrupted supply of oxygen and enhancement of healthcare infrastructure is being ensured.
Highlighting the steps taken to fulfil the requirement of remdesivir, Vardhan in a tweet said, "Production
being doubled to 74.1L per month by May; Express permission given to 20 manufacturing plants to increase production; Exports prohibited; Prices capped; Strict monitoring to curb any malpractice, hoarding and black marketing."
On the issue of oxygen supply, he said in another tweet, "Projected demand of high-burden states mapped with supplies; Oxygen production being maximised and diverted from industrial use to medical use; Expediting installation of 162 PSA plants across the country; Round-the-clock coordination cell assisting the States".