Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh on Thursday urged the Centre to leave its ego, scrap the three farm legislations and bring in new laws after fresh discussions with farmers.
Singh was addressing the media on the completion of four years of his government.
“Bring new bills after discussion with farmers. Sit with them, talk to them and then bring a new bill. Why are you sitting on prestige and ego,” he asked the Centre.
Referring to the amendment bills passed by
the state assembly last year to “negate” the Centre’s farm laws, Singh said, “We will go to the Supreme Court if the President does not give assent to the state amendment bills.”
The chief minister, however, noted that the amendment bills are yet to be forwarded to the President by the governor of Punjab.
Singh further said he could not see a middle path to break the stalemate between the farmers and the government of India, and asked the Centre to scrap the farm laws.
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