Ferozpur: In a joint operation, Border Security Forces and Punjab police recovered 3 kilograms of contraband drugs, and thereby foiled a smuggling bid in Punjab’s Ferozepur district, informed Public Relations Officer, BSF, Punjab in a statement.
Acting on a tip-off, a joint operation was launched by BSF and Punjab police in the early hours of Sunday on the outskirts of village Machiwara in Ferozepur district.”During the search operation, troops recovered 3 packets of narcotics suspected to be Heroin (Gross weight- 3 kg) from the paddy fields. The consignment was kept inside a black colour bag,”
the PRO added.
“Yet another nefarious attempt of smugglers foiled by the joint efforts of BSF & Punjab Police,” it added.
Barely a week ago, Punjab Police busted two separate cross-border drug smuggling rackets and recovered 77.8 kg of heroin. Four drug traffickers were also arrested and three pistols were recovered from their possession.
Director General of Police (DGP) Punjab Gaurav Yadav had said both the intelligence-led operations were executed by the Counter Intelligence Ferozepur.