Delhi court has sent Punjabi actor Deep Sidhu to seven-day police custody in a case related to the violence that broke out at the Red Fort during farmers' tractor parade on Republic Day.
The Delhi Police had sought 10-day police custody for Deep Sidhu.
Deep Sidhu's lawyer opposed Delhi Police's plea. As per news agency ANI, the counsel told the court that Deep Sidhu "was at the wrong place at the wrong time".
Earlier, the Delhi
Police Special Cell arrested Deep Sidhu, who is wanted in connection with the Red Fort violence on Republic Day.
Deputy Commissioner of Police (Special Cell) Sanjeev Kumar Yadav said Deep Sidhu was arrested from Karnal Bypass at 10.40 pm on Monday. Yadav added that Deep Sidhu was wanted in connection with the case of instigating the crowd at the Red Fort on Republic Day.
"The Crime Branch will investigate his role in detail," the DCP told PTI.
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