Congress President Rahul Gandhi on Tuesday took a veiled dig at the Narendra Modi government while congratulating IAS officers Tina Dabi and Athar Amir-ul-Shafi on their wedding.
"Congratulations Tina Dabi and Athar Amir-ul-Shafi, IAS toppers, batch of 2015, on your wedding! May your love grow from strength to strength and may you be an inspiration to all Indians in this age of growing intolerance and communal hatred. God bless you," Rahul Gandhi said in a tweet.
He attached a news report with his tweet that carried a photograph of the newly
weds, who have been allocated the Rajasthan cadre of the Indian Administrative Service.
The couple's marriage reception was held in Jammu and Kashmir's Pahalgam on Saturday.Mr Gandhi has been accusing the BJP and its ideological patron RSS of promoting "intolerance" in India. He targeted the BJP during Congress' protest fast on Monday claiming that "BJP's ideology is to divide the country, crush the Dalits, tribals, minorities".
Mr Gandhi had also said that the party will always fight against BJP's ideology and defeat it in the 2019 general elections.