Railway Minister Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu, presenting the Budget, said the budget seeks to fulfil the long-felt desires of the common man such as reserved accommodation on trains available on demand, time tabled freight trains, high end technology to improve safety record, elimination of all unmanned level crossings, improved punctuality, higher average speed of freight trains, semi high speed trains running along the golden quadrilateral, zero direct discharge of human waste by the year 2020. He said the Cabinet approval has been received for re-development of stations under PPP mode. He said the Indian Railways budget proposes to overcome challenges by Reorganizing Restructuring and Rejuvenating Indian Railways with the Slogan “Chalo, Milkar Kuch Naya Karen’”. The strategy for this will have three pillars i.e. Nav Arjan – New revenues, Nav Manak – New norms, and Nav Sanrachna – New Structures.
The Minister said that in order to make travel on Indian Railways more comfortable, the Indian Railways proposes to give more facilities to the passengers. 65,000 additional berths will be provided in the trains and 2500 water vending machines will be installed . The railways have developed world’s first Bio-Vaccum toilet and 17,000 Bio-toilets will be provided in the trains. With the purpose of improving punctuality of trains , operations audit from Ghaziabad to Mughalsarai section will be introduced. The Indian Railways proposes to introduce 1,780 Automatic Ticket Vending Machines all over the country with mobile apps and GoIndia smartcard for cashless purchase of UTS and PRS tickets. The capacity of e-ticketing system will be enhanced from 2,000 tickets per minute to 7,200 tickets per minute to support 1,20,000 concurrent users as against 40,000 earlier. 400 more stations will be provided with Wi Fi facilities.
As a part of
social initiatives, online booking of wheelchairs and Braille enabled new
coaches will be introduced for
the Divyang. Increased quota of lower
berths for senior citizens and women and reserving middle bays for women
in reserved coaches has been proposed. Passengers security
will be enhanced through more helplines and CCTVs.
To reduce accidents at level crossings, the budget proposes to eliminate 1000 unmanned level crossings and closures of 350 manned level crossings. 820 Rail Over Bridges (ROB)/ Rail Under Bridges (RUB) will be completed during the current financial year and work is going on in additional 1350 of them.
Referring to the progress of Dedicated Freight Corridor Project, the Railway Minister said that almost all contracts for civil engineering works will be awarded by the end of this financial year. He said Rs.24,000 crore worth contracts were awarded since November 2014 as against Rs. 13,000 crore contracts awarded during the last six years. He said Railways proposes to take up North-South, East-West and East Coast freight corridors through innovative financing including PPP.
The following are some of the highlights of the Railway Budget: Referring to the financial performance the Minister said during 2015-16 a saving of Rs.8720 crore could be achieved neutralizing the most of the revenue shortfall with operating ratio of 90%. He said the budget proposes operating ratio of 92%, restricting growth of ordinary working expenses by 11.6% after building in immediate impact of 7th PC, reduction in diesel and electricity consumption and Revenue generation of Rs. 1,84,820 crore for 2016-17. He said during 2015-16 investment would be close to double of average of previous five years.
Railways would be able to achieve annualized savings of Rs.3000 crore in the energy sector during the next financial year itself, a year earlier than announced. He said this could be achieved by procuring power directly at competitive rates. Social media will be used as a tool to bring in transparency. All procurement including procurement of works will be moved to e-platform. The trial of awarding tender electronically was successful and it will be rolled out on Pan India basis in 2016-17.
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