Railway has deployed Covid Care Coaches in Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Delhi to assist the states in view of rising corona cases in the country. Railway Ministry said, nearly four thousand Covid Care Coaches with 64 thousand beds, have positioned at various railway stations in the country.
The Ministry said, these coaches have now been additionally fitted with coolers, jute-mats to cater to the current hot weather conditions. The coaches can be used for very mild cases that can be clinically assigned to the COVID Care
Centres as per guidelines issued by Health and Family Welfare Ministry.
In Delhi, 50 coaches with 800 beds are deployed at Shakurbasti station and 25 coaches with 400 beds are available at Anand Vihar Terminal. At Nandurbar in Maharashtra, 21 coaches with 378 beds are positioned and currently 55 patients are admitted at this facility. At Bhopal station, 20 coaches have been positioned. 50 Coaches have been readied for deployment in Punjab and 20 coaches positioned for deployment in Jabalpur in Madhya Pradesh.