New Delhi: The railways has announced special cash awards for its athletes and officials participating in the Tokyo Olympics. This includes 3 crore rupees for a gold medal winner, 2 crore rupees for a silver medalist and 1 crore rupees for a bronze medalist.
If an athlete ends up among the last eight participants in his event, he or she will get 35 lakh rupees and each participant will get 7.5 lakh rupees. The coach of a gold medal winner will receive 25 Lakh rupees, and that of a silver medalist will get 20 lakh
rupees, while the coach of a bronze medalist will get 15 lakh rupees. The coaches of the other participant athletes will get 7.5 lakh rupees each.
Twenty-five athletes, five coaches and a physiotherapist from the Railway Sports Promotion Board are representing the Indian contingent in the Tokyo Olympics. The railways is one of the biggest contributing organisations in the Olympics, accounting for about 20 per cent of the athletes in the Indian contingent.