Indian Railways has made special arrangements at helpline number 139 to facilitate family, friends and relatives of deceased persons and passengers stranded in the tragic Train accident in Odisha. A team of senior officers is manning the helpline 24X7 to provide all the relevant details to the callers after coordinating with the Zonal Railways and State Government. This service will ensure prompt disbursal of enhanced ex-gratia announced by Railways Minister.
Ten lakh rupees each enhanced ex gratia has been announced
for next of kin of those killed, two lakh rupees each those grievous injuried and fifty thousand rupees each for minor injuries. The Railways is paying the ex-gratia amount at 7 locations. These are Soro, Kharagpur, Balasore, Khantapara, Bhadrak, Cuttack, Bhubaneswar.
The aim of the Helpline is to provide a helping hand and to give correct and satisfactory information to the aggrieved passengers and their kins in this trying time.