Railways Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw reached the accident spot in Balasore in Odisha on Saturday morning, where three trains collided on Friday. Briefing the media, he said that the Government's focus is on rescue and relief operations. Restoration will begin after clearance from the district administration. The Minister said that a detailed high-level inquiry will be conducted and the Rail Safety Commissioner will also do an independent inquiry.
Mr. Vaishnaw has also announced ex-gratia for the victims. He
said, ten lakh will be given in case of deaths, two lakh rupees towards grievous injuries and 50,000 rupees for minor injuries.
The death toll of the tragic train accident has risen to 233, and more than 900 are feared critically injured. Rescue teams from Odisha and West Bengal have been mobilised, including Defence forces, NDRF and ODRF. The injured passengers are being treated at Balasore Medical College and Hospital and other hospitals in nearby areas.