Railways will launch the Puri - Gangasagar Divya Kashi Yatra by Bharat Gaurav Tourist train from Pune on Friday under Dekho Apna Desh and Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat Scheme. The ten days tour will cover the important religious destinations of Puri, Kolkata, Gaya, Varanasi and Prayagraj. The visitors will have the opportunity to visit various important religious destinations like Jangannath Temple, Konark Temple, Lingraj Temple, Kali Bari, Vishnu Pad Temple and Kashi
Vishwanath Temple.
Railways Ministry has been operating Bharat Gaurav Tourist Trains from different parts of the country to showcase India as a destination in the international as well as domestic arena. The Ministry said, theme-based trains have been conceptualized to showcase the rich cultural and religious heritage of Bharat to the domestic tourists as well as to the international tourists.