Mumbai: The Maharashtra government has decided to issue single journey daily tickets for local trains in Mumbai. The State Disaster Management Authority recently sent a letter to Western and Central Railways directing them to issue all kinds of tickets, including daily ones, which were earlier not allowed.
However, the State government order stated that daily tickets will be issued to only those who have been fully vaccinated. Currently, owing to Covid-19 protocols, the state government is only issuing passes to those who have got two shots of a vaccine and have completed 14 days since their second dose.
On October 27, Maharashtra government had directed the railways to issue only monthly or other passes since workers under essential services and government personnel were allowed to travel in trains irrespective of their vaccination status. They were allowed to buy daily single or return journey
tickets as well.Now after state government's order, the Central and Western Railways will soon issue directions to all ticketing centres.
Chief Public Relation Officer of Western Railway , Sumit Thakur, said that they will start issuing the daily tickets from today itself. He informed that the decision was taken after the Railways noticed that a lot of people were travelling without tickets. He said that it has been decided to permit all citizens who have been fully vaccinated as per the definition of the state government to travel in local trains.
He added that this relaxation means that all fully vaccinated citizens may travel in local and passenger trains on all routes, through all kinds of tickets issued including daily ticketing. Being fully vaccinated would be the only mandatory condition for issuance of any kinds of tickets for travel in trains