Jaipur: After a fresh surge in COVID cases in Rajasthan, the State Home Department has issued new guidelines on Friday. Both the doses of COVID vaccine have been made mandatory for the academic and non-teaching staff of all educational institutions in the new guidelines. Now, it will be mandatory for all the students to take written permission from their parents or guardian before joining educational institutions.
As per new guidelines, educational institutions are not allowed to force the students to attend offline classes. The schools will also have to continue the facility of online
teaching for the children. Any gathering along with Prayer meetings will not be allowed while schools canteens will also be closed till further orders.
A Joint Enforcement Team of District Administration, Police and Municipal Corporation will be formed to ensure strict compliance of COVID Appropriate Behavior at public places. In the last twenty days, the number of active cases has increased from 40 to more than 150 in the state. Thirty-one students of different schools have also been tested positive for COVID So far.