New Delhi: Defence Minister Rajnath Singh has written to Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu MK Stalin and West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee over the exclusion of the states' tableaux from the Republic Day parade this year in New Delhi. In the letter, Mr Singh asserted that the decisions to select tableaux for the Republic Day parade are taken as per detailed guidelines.
Responding to the letter written to the Prime Minister by Mr Stalin regarding participation of Tableaux from Tamil Nadu, the Defence Minister said that the selection of Tableaux is as per the prescribed guidelines. Mr Singh said, Tableaux proposals received from various States and UTs as well as Central Ministries and Departments are evaluated in a series of meetings of the Expert Committee.
He said, for Republic Day Parade 2022, a total of 29 proposals were received from States and UTs including from Tamil Nadu. He said, the Tableaux from the State was considered in the first three rounds of meetings. Mr Singh said that after the third round of meetings the Tableaux could not make it into the final list of 12 Tableaux
selected for participation in the parade.
Mr Singh also said that during the last few years, the Tableaux from the State government of Tamil Nadu has been selected for participation in the Republic Day Parade during 2017, 2019, 2020 and 2021.
In response to letter of West Bengal Chief Minister, the Defence Minister said that in his letter to Ms Banerjee, he has emphasized that the Narendra Modi government holds Netaji in high regard and observes his birth anniversary, January 23, as 'Parakram Diwas'. He also said, from now on, Republic Day celebrations will begin with his birth anniversary and conclude on 30th of January.
Mr Singh also said that the process to select tableaux for the Republic Day parade is transparent and as per set guidelines and as per the set selection process, the Tableaux from West Bengal participated in 2016, 2017,2019 and 2021 in the parade. He also hoped that his letter would address West Bengal government's concerns and invited the state government to join the Republic Day celebrations.