New Delhi: The Rajya Sabha has been adjourned till 2 PM while the Lok Sabha till 12 noon on the Manipur violence and other issues. In the Rajya Sabha, when the House met for the day, Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar disallowed the adjournment notices moved by the opposition members on Manipur violence and other issues.
Leader of the House Piyush Goyal raised the issue of stalemate in the house over discussion on Manipur violence. He said he has approached opposition parties to find a common ground to end the logjam, but they are adamant on their demand of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s statement in the House. He rejected the demand of Mr. Modi’s statement and accused the opposition of not willing to end the ongoing logjam.
Tiruchi Siva of DMK said, opposition were demanding discussion on Manipur issue under rule 267 by suspending all the business of the House, while the government is insisting to have a short duration discussion under 176. He added that now the opposition has offered to have a discussion under rule 167 which is related to discussion on a matter of public interest.
Leader of Opposition Mallikarjun
Kharge also echoed a similar view saying opposition is ready to have a discussion under rule 167 on Manipur violence issue and the Prime Minister should also make a statement in the House over it. Later the House witnessed sloganeering and counter sloganeering between treasury and opposition bench members, leading to adjournment of the House till 2 PM.
In the Lok Sabha, when the House met this morning, opposition members raised the issue of alleged less screen time by Sansad TV to opposition members during discussion on no -confidence motion yesterday. Responding to it, Speaker Om Birla said the matter has been brought to his notice and he will look into it.
Later, members from Congress, DMK, TMC and others trooped into the well, raising slogans on the Manipur issue. The Speaker urged them to allow the House to function saying the Question Hour is very important. Amid ruckus, Mr. Birla tried to run the Question Hour but in vain. He adjourned the House till 12 noon. Earlier, the House made obituary references to five former members who passed away recently.