Rajya Sabha was today adjourned for the day without transacting any business after parties from Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh disrupted proceedings over their state specific demands.
Andhra parties led by the TDP, and KVP Ramachandra Rao of the Congress trooped in the Well shouting slogans for special status for the state while Tamil Nadu parties - DMK and AIADMK- raised the Cauvery water issue.
Chairman M Venkaiah Naidu repeatedly asked members to allow the House to function and called for taking up listed zero hour mentions of issues of public importance.But with members refusing to budge from their positions in the Well, he adjourned the House till tomorrow within 10 minutes of the commence of proceedings.
Earlier, no sooner were listed papers laid on the table of the House, placard-carrying
members of Andhra and Tamil parties trooped into the well of the House and started shouting slogans.
An upset Naidu said Parliament has become a laughing stock because of repeated adjournments due to protests from Well of the House."This is not in the interest of the country, this is not in the interest of Parliament," he said asking members to allow the House to function.
As the protesting parties displayed placards in support of their demands, he said he is willing to allow discussion on all the issues being raised.
The government, he said, too is willing to discuss and "so where is the problem?"
"How long will this continue. People have already starting criticising (Parliament functioning)," he said before adjourning the proceedings till tomorrow.