New Delhi: Rajya Sabha Chairman M. Venkaiah Naidu has rejected the appeal of Leader of Opposition Mallikarjun Kharge’s seeking revocation of suspension of 12 MPs of the house. Yesterday, the Rajya Sabha had approved the motion moved by Parliamentary Affairs Minister Pralhad Joshi for suspension of 12 MPs from the current session for their unruly behavior during the last day of Monsoon Session of Parliament.
Mr Naidu said that action in this regard has been taken by the house and not by him. He said, these members have
even not expressed remorse for their behavior and action taken in this regard is final.
After that members from Opposition parties including Congress, AAP and RJD started sloganeering. Later the Opposition members including from Congress, AAP and RJD staged a walkout.
The members, who were suspended from the current session, included six members from the INC, two each from the TMC and Shivsena and one each from the CPI and the CPI(M).