The Rajya Sabha on Wednesday passed the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi (Amendment) Bill, 2021 despite uproar and walkout from the Opposition. The Bill, commonly known as the NCT Bill, was passed by the Lok Sabha on March 22.
This Bill seeks to give more powers to the Delhi Lieutenant-Governor (L-G) in comparison to the elected government.
Once the Bill becomes and Act, it would become mandatory for the Delhi government to take the opinion of the L-G before
taking any executive action, a move that the Delhi government says will undermine the people's mandate and the elected government of the national capital.
Apart from this, the Bill also makes it clear the "government" in Delhi means the "Lieutenant Governor".
The Bill was passed in Rajya Sabha by a voice vote. However, a division was sought by the opposition when the government moved the bill for consideration.
During voting, 83 members were in favour while 45 opposed the bill.
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