Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla on Friday issued a warning to BJP member Ramesh Bidhuri for his remarks in House, officials said. The Delhi BJP MP on Thursday started name-calling BSP MP Danish Ali during a discussion on Lok Sabha. Although his statements have been expunged from the records, the damage was already done. Bidhuri's statement evoked a lot of criticism across political parties.
BSP MP Danish Ali, who was abused by Bidhuri has written to Lok Sabha Speaker on the issue. "On remarks by BJP MP Ramesh Bidhuri, BSP MP Danish Ali says, "I sent my letter to the office of Lok Sabha Speaker and I am confident that Lok Sabha Speaker will take cognizance of the incident and will take appropriate action. I have given notice. All things are on record and it's happening for the first that this type of language has been used for an elected MP."
While Congress leader Jairam Ramesh said that such language should not be used inside or outside the Parliament, Trinamool Congress MP Mahua Moitra criticised the BJP for allowing such culture. Jairam Ramesh said, "What Ramesh Bidhuri said about Danish Ali is highly condemnable. The more it is criticised, the less it is. Defence Minister Rajnath Singh has apologised but that is insufficient. I have never heard such language. This
language should not be used inside or outside the Parliament. This is an insult to not only Danish Ali but all of us...The beginning of the new Parliament has been done by Bidhuri and his words. This shows the intentions of BJP. What Bidhuri is saying is BJP's intention...I think this is a fit case for suspension and strictest punishment should be taken against him."
TMC MP Mahua Moitra said, "Abusing Muslims, OBCs an integral part of BJP culture - most now see nothing wrong with it. PM Modi has reduced Indian Muslims to living in such a state of fear in their own land that they grin & bear everything. Sorry but I’m calling this out. Ma Kali holds my spine."
Accusing PM of giving birth to such a distorted socio-political culture, RJD chief Lalu Yadav said, "The Prime Minister has given birth to such a distorted socio-political culture against the country's rich parliamentary traditions in which one of its MPs glorifies the terrorist who murdered Father of the Nation Gandhiji. At the behest of the PM, the indecent, unparliamentary and trivial language that a BJP MP is using against an opposition MP inside the Parliament is highly objectionable, condemnable and worrying for democracy and society. This is not their immortality period but their poisonous period."