Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut on Saturday said there is a need to set an example of strict punishment being taken against those who are found guilty of crimes against women.
"In countries like Saudi Arabia, those who commit crimes against women are hanged to death at intersections. We need to set similar examples here," Kangana Ranaut said when asked about the solution to atrocities against women, in Bhopal.
Speaking of loopholes in the law & justice system, Ranaut said most victims do not report the crime fearing the harassment they have to face while describing the crime, as the onus of proving it is on the. The files go on for years... and a victim continues to face harassment... whose advantage is taken by culprits as they escape... so there is a need to set 4-5 examples to teach them a lesson who commit
atrocities against women.
Ranaut left for Bhopal after recording her statement with Bandra Police in connection with a sedition case filed against her.
"If you are anti-India you will find a lot of support, work/rewards, and appreciation. If you are a nationalist then you will have to stand alone, be your own support system and appreciate your own integrity. After hours of grilling at a police station on my way to Bhopal #Dhaakad," Kangana tweeted on Friday evening. The actress and her sister Rangoli Chandel appeared before the Bandra Police earlier in the day.
A Bollywood casting director and fitness trainer, Munawwarali SA Sayyed had accused Kangana and Rangoli of defaming the film industry. Earlier in the day, Kangana had shared a video on Twitter alleging that she is being tortured mentally, emotionally and physically.
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