New Delhi: A day after challenging Union Home Minister Amit Shah to a debate, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday said he was ready for a debate even on the controversial sit-in anti-CAA venue, Shaheen Bagh, as the former BJP chief has repeatedly brought it up during his Assembly poll campaign.
Speaking to the media, Kejriwal said debate is important in a democracy and people want answers for their questions.
Kejriwal said taking the escape route from people''s questions was not always advisable.
"I challenged Shah for a debate. I
want to say that I am ready for debate on any topic. He has been saying ''Shaheen Bagh, Shaheen Bagh, Shaheen Bagh'', I am ready for a debate on it as well. But he is not ready for a public debate," said Kejriwal.
"It is very sad," added the Chief Minister.
He also referred to the Bhagavad Gita, saying even the Hindu scripture says that a true Hindu will never desert the battlefield.
"A true Hindu is brave. He will not leave a fight midway. This doesn''t look good on Amit Shahji that he is running away from a debate, and avoiding people''s questions."