Delhi Chief Minister on Thursday announced that Rs 10 lakh will be provided to the kin of the deceased and Rs 5 lakh to the families of the minors who died in the Delhi violence.
Rs 5 lakh will be given to those seriously injured in the Delhi violence.
"A compensation of Rs 10 lakh each to families of those who have died will be provided," Arvind Kejriwal said.
Arvind Kejriwal said that a sum of Rs 5 lakh will be provided to those whose houses have been completely burnt down and tenants will be given Rs 1 lakh for their lost belongings. Owners of the house where tenants lost their belongings will be given Rs 4 lakh.
If a person has lost an animal
in the violence, they will be given Rs 5,000 for every they have lost.
People who have lost their rickshaws will be given Rs 25,000 and if they have lost their e-rickshaws they will be given Rs 50,000.
"Delhi government to bear expenses of treatment of those injured in riots and admitted to private hospitals," Arvind Kejriwal said.
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday said that under Delhi government's Farishte scheme of free-of-cost medical treatment at any private hospital, those affected in Delhi violence can get medical treatment.
Arvind Kejriwal said that the Delhi government will provide free food to the victims of Delhi violence.