New Delhi: Vice President and Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar yesterday inaugurated the celebration of Rajya Sabha Day 2023 by lighting the lamp at the Parliament House. Speaking at the event, he commended the members of the Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha Secretariat for their exceptional talent and emphasized the unique opportunity they have to witness the changing landscape of the country and the leaders who shape it. He also highlighted the significance of celebrating the contributions of the Rajya Sabha to India's democracy and
During his address, Vice President Dhankhar cited provisions of the Constitution to explain that Parliament comprises the President, Lok Sabha, and Rajya Sabha, and underscored the importance of unity among all the institutions of democracy.
Furthermore, the Vice President felicitated the children of Rajya Sabha employees who had won various competitions on Rajya Sabha Day, recognizing their achievements and encouraging their continued success.