New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday announced that he has submitted the file on a compensation of Rs 10 lakh to the family of 16-year-old Sakshi, who was brutally murdered by Sahil in Outer North Delhi’s Shahbad Dairy.
“I have approved and sent the file to the Honorable LG to support Sakshi’s family with an amount of Rs 10 lakhs. We stand with her family and will support them in every possible way,” Kejriwal tweeted on Wednesday.
On Tuesday, Kejriwal had announced a compensation of Rs 10 lakh for Sakshi’s family.
“The Delhi government will provide financial assistance of ten lakh rupees to Sakshi’s family and make every effort to ensure that the guilty party receives the harshest punishment through the court. Prominent lawyers will be mobilized for this cause,” Kejriwal tweeted.
Sakshi was brutally killed by Sahil on Sunday evening. Sahil, a mechanic repairing
fridges and ACs, was later arrested in Bulandshahr, Uttar Pradesh.
CCTV footage of the murder also surfaced on social media, showing Sahil stabbing the victim.
Around seven to eight bystanders were present, but none bothered to intervene.
A man wearing a dark red shirt attempted to intervene, but Sahil pushed him away. In the video, Sahil continues to stab the girl while also issuing threats to the bystanders, causing them to disperse.
After stabbing her, Sahil kicks the girl multiple times and then strikes her with a boulder five times. He briefly leaves the scene but returns shortly after. He strikes the girl with the boulder once again, kicks her multiple times, and then finally leaves, as seen in the video.
Sahil is currently in police custody, where he is being interrogated to determine the exact reasons behind the murder.