Mumbai: Zonal Director of Narcotics Control Bureau, Mumbai Sameer Wankhede has registered a complaint by filing a plea in special NCB court about the threat issued against him in the Cruise Ship Drugs case. He has not mentioned any specific name in his plea, but he has drawn the NCB court’s attention towards the pressure being exerted on him and the threats by some elements.
Earlier, Mr Wankhede had written a letter to Mumbai Police Commissioner Hemant Nagrale seeking protection from precipitate legal action against him by unknown persons. In his letter, Mr Wankhede has said
that it has come to his notice that some precipitate legal action for framing him falsely is been planned by unknown persons in relation to an alleged vigilance-related issues in NCB.
He has also brought to the notice of the Mumbai Police Commissioner that threat of jail and dismissal have been issued against him on public media by highly respectable public functionaries. He said that he has requested Mr Nagarale to ensure that no such precipitate legal action is carried out to frame him falsely with ulterior motives.