Tamil Nadu Minister for Sports and Youth Affairs and son of Chief Minister, M.K. Stalin, Udayanidhi Stalin said that Sanatana Dharma is like mosquitoes, dengue and malaria, and "it has to be eradicated".
He was speaking at a Sanatanam (Sanatana Dharma) Abolition Conclave organised by the Tamil Nadu Progressive Writers Forum.
Udayanidhi in his speech said: "I thank the organisers for giving me the opportunity to speak at this conference to eradicate Sanatana Dharma. I congratulate the organisers for calling the conference as 'eradication of Santana Dharma' instead of 'opposing Sanatana Dharma'.
"There are certain things which we have to eradicate and we cannot merely oppose. Mosquitoes, dengue, corona and malaria are things which we cannot oppose, we have to eradicate them. Sanatanam is also like this. Eradication and not opposing Sanatanam has to be our first task," he added.
The Sports Minister who is also the state secretary of DMK youth wing said that Sanatana Dharma was opposed to both equality and social justice.
He further added: "What is the meaning of Sanatanam? Eternal or something that cannot be changed, something that cannot be questioned and that is the meaning of
The young leader, who is also a movie actor and producer, said that Sanatanam used to divide people by caste and segregate them.
He said: "However, our Kalaignar (Karunanidhi) brought every community into one village and gave it the name Samathuvapuram (equality village)."
Meanwhile, the Tamil Nadu unit of the BJP is to campaign extensively against the statement of Stalin against the Sanatana Dharma.
“Udhayanidhi Stalin, who is a part of the INDIA bloc, was calling for genocide of the majority population in the country that believes in Sanatana Dharma. The BJP leader said that this would amount to "genocide of 80 per cent of the population".
Udhayanidhi Stalin has defended himself on his comments on Sanatana Dharma, and said he won't be cowed down by saffron threats and was ready to face any legal challenge.
The DMK leader posted on X: “Bring it on, I am ready to face any legal challenge .We will not be cowed down by such usual saffron threats. We the followers of Periyar, Anna and Kalaignar, would fight forever to uphold social justice and establish an egalitarian society under the able guidance of our honourable CM.”