Tension prevailed in Haryana's Mewat after stones were pelted on Brij Mandal Jalabhishek Religious Mewat Yatra on Monday. In order to disperse the crowds, police lobbed teargas shells. Amid tension in the area, prohibitory orders banning the assembly of people were clamped in the entire district. With this, the Haryana government informed that mobile internet services have been suspended till Aug 2 (Wednesday). Meanwhile, Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar has appealed to people to maintain peace in the state.
Nuh Deputy Commissioner has called a meeting of both parties on Monday at 8:30 pm. The Haryana government has requested the Centre for help. Meanwhile, a number of people stranded in the temple in Haryana's Nuh were rescued out. Moreover, Haryana Home Minister Anil Vij said the government has dispatched additional forces from neighbouring districts.
"We are also trying to send forces by helicopter," he told PTI.
Taking cognisance of the incident, police said that the 'Brij Mandal Jalabhishek Yatra' of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad was stopped by a group of young men near Khedla Mod in Nuh on Monday, and stones were pelted at the procession. Police further said that at least
four cars were set on fire, which were part of the procession. In the incident, some police vehicles were also damaged. According to reports, in reaction, people, who were part of the procession hurled stones back at the youths who had stopped them.
BJP district president Gargi Kakkar earlier flagged off the yatra from Gurugram's Civil Lines. As per reports, a police contingent was also deployed with the procession.
In the wake of "intense communal tension" Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar appealed to people to maintain peace and harmony in the state. Taking to Twitter, he wrote, "Today's incident is unfortunate, I appeal to all the people to maintain peace in the state. The guilty will not be spared at any cost, strictest action will be taken against them." Haryana Assembly LoP and Former Haryana CM Bhupinder Singh Hooda also spoke on the clash that broke out between two groups in Haryana's Nuh, and said, "This is very unfortunate incident. I appeal to people to maintain peace and law and order. "
Home Minister Vij said he is in regular touch with senior officials. "Our first priority is to bring the situation under control. We are appealing to all to maintain peace," Vij told PTI.