Serum Institute of India (SII) Managing Director Cyrus Poonwalla on Wednesday announced that the company be launching a vaccine for malaria soon. He said the vaccine will not only be of help in India, but also in Africa where malaria cases are witnessed.
"After the success of Covishield, for the first time in the world, SII will be launching a malaria vaccine," Poonawalla said. He noted that people in interior parts of India often get
infected by malaria.
He also said that SII is preparing a vaccine for dengue, another viral infection that spreads from mosquitoes to people. He said the cure for dengue would be ready in one year.
Both malaria and dengue are vector-borne diseases that are more likely to spread in tropical and sub-tropical countries.
SII also made the Covishield vaccine after the Covid-19 pandemic spread.