Bengaluru: Several candidates filed nominations on Tuesday for the Karnataka Assembly election as the last day to file the nominations is April 20. The ministers in the present cabinet R Ashoka filed nomination from Kanakapura, Murugesh Nirani from Bilgi and S Suresh Kumar from Rajajinagar. Among the Congress candidates, Zameer Ahmed Khan from Chamrajpet, P.T. Parameshwar Naik from Huvinahadagali and K J George from Sarvagnanagara filed their nominations today. From JD(S), Y S V Datta filed the nomination from Kadur and Bandappa Kashempur from Bidar South.
The streets where the candidates reached to file the nominations wore a festive look.
The supporters in large number accompanied the candidates with musical instruments, party flags and banners. They raised slogans in support of their candidates and showered flowers. The democracy was at play here.
Tomorrow Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai will be filing his nomination from Shiggoan again. BJP national President J P Nadda and Kannada film star Sudeep will accompany him with several BJP leaders from the state. From Congress senior leader Siddaramaiah is filing nomination from Varuna seat. From JD(S) most of the prominent candidates filed their nominations yesterday.