Delhi on Sunday remained shrouded with a dense layer of fog, reducing the visibility to zero, officials said. In view of this, 51 trains were delayed and several flights were rescheduled. An India Meteorological Department (IMD) official said, “Zero visibility prevailed over Palam from 4 AM to 7.30 AM IST, accompanied by easterly winds at 8-13 kmph.”
"Compared to Saturday's 9-hour zero visibility spell, Palam experienced a relatively shorter duration of 3.5 hours of zero visibility on Sunday," the official added.
Visuals from near the
Indira Gandhi International Airport (IGIA) showed a thick layer of fog enveloping the area. "Due to adverse weather conditions, flights to/from Delhi, Amritsar, Chandigarh, Kolkata and Lucknow are impacted," IndiGo said in a post on X.
While regretting the inconvenience caused to passengers, the airline also requested them to visit its website or app to explore alternate flight options. The maximum temperature in the city settled at 18.6 degrees Celsius, 0.7 notch below the normal average, and the minimum temperature was recorded at 9.4 degrees Celsius, IMD noted.