BJP MP Parvesh Verma on Tuesday said what happened in Kashmir with Kashmiri Pandits could happen in Delhi, warning that lakhs of anti-CAA protesters in Shaheen Bagh could enter homes to kill and rape women.
Verma's controversial statement comes amid his party's sharpened attack on the anti-CAA protest at Shaheen Bagh with Union Law Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad on Monday alleging that it was a "textbook case" of a few hundred people "suppressing" the "silent majority".
"What happened in Kashmir with Kashmiri Pandits could happen in Delhi also. Lakhs of people gather at Shaheen Bagh, they could enter houses rape and kill your sisters and daughters. The people need to decide now," Verma
The West Delhi BJP MP said the people of the country felt safe because of Prime Minister Narendra Modi but he might not be able to save them if a situation like this arises.
Verma said Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and his deputy Manish Sisodia have supported Shaheen Bagh protesters and now it is time for the people of the national capital to decide who they want to vote for in the February 8 assembly polls.
Speaking at an election meeting in Janakpuri constituency, in presence of Union Home minister Amit Shah on Monday, Verma had said that if the BJP formed a government in Delhi, Shaheen Bagh protest site would be vacated on the night of February 11.