A Delhi court Monday sent Sharjeel Imam, arrested on sedition charges, to one-day custody of Delhi Police in a case related to violent protests against Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) at New Friend's colony on December 15.
This is different from the sedition case against Imam.
Police also sought custodial interrogation of Sharjeel after another accused in anti-CAA protests case alleged he was provoked by his speeches.
Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Gurmohina Kaur sent Imam to the
custody after the police said that another accused in the case disclosed that he was allegedly provoked by Sharjeel's speeches.
Imam was arrested from Bihar's Jehanabad on January 28 for allegedly making inflammatory speeches at the Jamia Millia Islamia University here and in Aligarh.
Police had booked Imam, who came into limelight during the ongoing protest in Shaheen Bagh, on January 26 for allegedly delivering inflammatory speeches against the amended Citizenship Act and a possible National Register of Citizens.