Sidhu Moose Wala's father Balkaur Singh allegedly received death threats on Thursday. Singh had earlier visited Amritsar civil hospital where he was shown the bodies of slain gangsters Jagroop Singh Roopa and Manpreet Singh alias Mannu Kusa.
Shubhdeep Singh Sidhu, popularly known as Sidhu Moosewala, was shot dead in Punjab's Mansa district on May 29.
On Wednesday, these criminals were killed in a nearly five-hour-long encounter at a village in Amritsar. Three policemen and a
journalist were also injured during the operation.
Speaking briefly to reporters in Amritsar, Singh said, "Police did its action and I appreciate its work. It is just the beginning and it is a long fight." He said police action against criminals should continue.
The police held gangster Lawrence Bishnoi as the "mastermind" behind the killing. According to the police, the singer's murder was in retaliation to youth Akali leader Vicky Middukhera's killing that took place last year.