Congress president Sonia Gandhi wrote to Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday regarding the surge in black fungus cases being reported across India. In the letter, she took note of the fact that the state governments have been asked to declare black fungus also known as Mucormycosis as an 'epidemic' under the Epidemic Diseases Act. However, she pointed out that there is an acute shortage of Amphotericin B which is required for treating this infection.
Moreover, the Rae Bareli
MP highlighted that black fungus is not covered in Ayushman Bharat and most other health insurance schemes. According to her, it was imperative to have adequate production and assured supply of Amphotericin B and cost-free treatment of patients suffering from Mucormycosis.
Thereafter, she requested PM Modi to take immediate action in this regard to provide relief to people. At present, approximately 8848 persons in the country have been diagnosed with the black fungus infection.