Special Session of Madhya Pradesh Assembly has been convened at 2 PM today for the floor test of Kamal Nath government. A communique issued by the assembly said that the session will conclude by 5 PM. Supreme Court has directed the floor test for the 15 month Congress government by a show of hands today.
The Apex court also ordered the video recording of entire proceedings. The court said that the Assembly should be convened today with a single point agenda of floor test and no hindrance should be created for anyone. The apex court order came on a petition filed by 10 BJP leaders
including Shivraj Singh Chouhan seeking direction for a floor test in the assembly.
Both BJP and Congress have issued whip to their MLAs to be present in the House. Meanwhile, Assembly Speaker NP Prajapati has accepted resignations of 16 rebel Congress MLAs, who are staying in Bengaluru and had sent their resignations on March 10 to the speaker. The Speaker had earlier accepted the resignation of six rebel Congress MLAs. The Congress government in Madhya Pradesh plunged into crisis after 22 rebel Congress MLAs resigned. .