Visakhapatnam: The Railway Board has announced that it will operate a special train for the devotees who are planning to go to Ganga Pushkaralu during the summer season. The special trains will be operated between Visakhapatnam and Varanasi. The Railway Board has taken this decision after an intervention by MP GVL Narasimha Rao with Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw. MP GVL Narasimha Rao has been elected as the president of the Ganga Pushkaralu Organising Committee of Sri Kasi Telugu Samiti. He was given the responsibility of arranging and providing amenities to the pilgrims who are willing to
attend Ganga Pushkaralu from the Telugu States.
The special trains for Ganga Pushkaralu are scheduled for April 19 and 26. The train will depart from Visakhapatnam on April 19 and return on April 20 from Varanasi again it is scheduled to depart on April 26 and return on April 27.
The special train will also operate for five days in May and four days in June amid the rush of the summer season. A total of 11 pairs of special trains will be operated from Visakhapatnam to Varanasi from April to June.