Maharashtra Health Minister Rajesh Tope has said that a Special State-Level Campaign will be launched from 12th of December to 12th of March next year to issue certificates to the disabled persons. Mr. Tope was speaking at an online meeting arranged by Disability Rights Development Forum, Divyang Welfare Commission and Yashwantrao Chavan Pratisthaan on Thursday.
He informed that State Government would soon issue a decision to determine the working procedure for disabled for three days in a week instead of two days. He further informed that in this regard, Member of Parliament Supriya Sule had sent a letter to the State Government and requested to implement a Special Campaign for online disability certification and Global Identity Card through computer system
by conducting disability examination and diagnosis of 21 categories of persons with disabilities in all the districts of the state.
The Minister further stated that following this the State Government has prepared a detailed action plan and will issue a circular if needed. At the same time, instructions to district hospitals are given to set up Divyang Rehabilitation Centre in the premises of district hospitals. He added that such centres should be set up at Nashik and Sindhudurg on priority.
While Chief Minister Udhdhav Thackeray has also instructed officials to start a Hearing Training Programme for deaf children on priority basis at Thane, Pune, Jalna and Gadchiroli districts of Maharashtra.