On the first anniversary of Balakot airstrikes today, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh saluted Indian Air Force for its unmatched bravery and courage exhibited during the air strikes. In a tweet, Mr Singh said, it was a successful counter terror operation launched by the fearless air warriors of the Indian Air Force. He said, with the success of Balakot air strikes, India has clearly demonstrated its strong will against terrorism.
The Minister said, the Government led by Prime Minister Narendra
Modi has adopted a different approach from earlier governments and now it do not hesitate to cross the border to protect India against terrorism.
He thanked Mr Modi for bringing change in India’s approach against terrorism and the ways to counter terror. Mr Singh said, the Surgical Strikes of 2016 and Balakot Air Strikes of 2019 are testimony to this change. He said, it is certainly a New and Confident India in making.