Three newly elected members of Rajya Sabha, including former deputy chief minister of Bihar Sushil Kumar Modi, took oath on Saturday. Rajya Sabha Chairman M Venkaiah Naidu administered the oath to Modi, Arun Singh and Seema, elected to the Upper House of Parliament from Bihar and Uttar Pradesh on BJP tickets.
Naidu exhorted them to maintain discipline, decency and decorum in the House and advised them to go through the publications of procedures of Parliament.
Due to the ongoing pandemic, the oath ceremony took place in the chamber of Rajya Sabha for the third time in between sessions.
Modi was elected from Bihar, while Singh and Seema were elected from UP.
Singh has been re-elected to Rajya Sabha for a second term. The other two members have been elected to Rajya Sabha for the first term.
Naidu welcomed them to Parliament and conveyed his best wishes to them.
urged them to be conversant with parliamentary practices and procedures of the House and enrich their knowledge about its functioning.
Naidu also suggested the members to go through the debates of the Constituent Assembly and the speeches of parliamentarians of yesteryears.
He also advised the members to maintain discipline, decency and decorum during the proceeding of the House, attend the session on regular basis and contribute in the debate and discussion in the House.
Naidu also stated that the members will be nominated to parliamentary committees. He said the purpose of having the oath-taking ceremony on Saturday is to enable members to participate and contribute in committee proceedings during the inter-session period.
Leader of the House Thaawarchand Gehlot, Deputy Chairman Harivansh, and Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Arjun Ram Meghwal were present on the occasion.
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