The Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squad said that Sachin Vaze is prime accused in Mansukh Hiren's alleged murder case. He is responsible for destruction of crucial evidence like SIM cards and mobile phone besides CCTV footage of his residence, office, certain godowns and business establishments. 

Addressing a press conference in Mumbai yesterday Chief of Maharashtra ATS, Mr. Jai Jeet Singh said, it will try to gain the custody of suspended police officer Sachin Vaze to question him about his role in Mansukh Hiren’s alleged murder case. Mr. Singh confirmed that evidence collected so far suggests that Vinayak Shinde, who was out on parole, had called Masukh for a meeting where he was killed.

The ATS further said bookie Naresh gore had purchased 14 SIM cards from Gujarat, some of

which were used in the crime. It may be recalled that Sachin Vaze is in NIA custody till 25th of this month. Even though the Hiren murder case was transferred to the NIA on March 20, the ATS is still conducting an investigation. 

Meanwhile, Maharashtra ATS seized a high-end VOLVO car from Daman in connection with the Mansukh Hiren murder case. The car has been brought to the ATS office in Thane. While there is no clarity about the car’s owner; the ATS suspects that the vehicle was used by Vaze and his team to dump Mansukh Hiren’s body in Thane creek.

Besides this vehicle, at least five more vehicles have been seized by NIA in relation with the Antilia bomb scare case, in which suspended police officer Sachin Vaze is a prime accused.

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