A team of Delhi Police on Sunday (May 19) seized a laptop and CCTV digital video record (DVR) from the residence of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, in connection with the AAP MP Swati Maliwal assault case. Along with this, some documents were also taken away by the Delhi Police from the Chief Minister's residence.
A police team including Additional DCP Anjitha Chepyala, SHO Civil Lines arrived at the residence of Delhi CM today with an evidence box.
Maliwal claimed that the CCTV footage of the May 13 incident where she was allegedly assaulted has 'disappeared' and edited videos were being released. Kejriwal's aide Bibhav Kumar was picked up at the CM's residence and arrested in connection with
the assault case on Saturday.
"First I was thrashed brutally by Bibhav. He slapped and kicked me. When I freed myself and called 112, he went outside, called security personnel and started making a video. I was shouting and telling the security that Bibhav has thrashed me brutally. "That long portion of the video has been edited. Only a 50-second video was released when I was fed up of telling the security," Maliwal claimed.
According to the plea seeking police custody, a junior engineer in the CM's residence, after admitting that he did not have access to the place where the DVR and CCTV cameras were installed, provided a video of the dining room but it was later found to be blank at the time of the alleged incident.