Chennai: In Tamil Nadu, state Agriculture Minister M.R.K.Panneerselvam presented the agriculture Budget for 2023-24 on Tuesday in the State Assembly. The Government has provided a sum of Rs. 38 ,904 Core for the demands for agriculture farmers welfare department and agriculture related departments like Animal husbandry, fisheries,energy,water resources, micro, small and medium enterprises for the year.
The Government aims to implement the all village integrated agricultural development program in 2504 village panchayats at an outlay of Rs. 230 Crore. Under the Tamilnadu Millet Mission, millet festivals are to be celebrated.
The scheme will be implemented with the financial assistance of the Union and State Governments at an estimated cost of Rs. 82 Crore. The
Government will provide financial subsidy schemes for cultivation of Pulses, oilseeds,Dwarf and tall hybrid coconut and cotton. Special missions will be set up for growing Madurai Jasmine, Moringa and Jackfruit varieties.
A chilly zone will be created in Chilli growing districts of Ramanathapuram, Virudhunagar, Sivagangai and Thoothukudi districts. A curry leaf cluster will be created in Coimbatore district. Skill development training will be given for rural youth for operation, maintenance and handling of tractors. 300 Farmers will be sent to countries like Israel and European Countries to learn new techniques of agriculture.
State Opposition leader Edappadi Palanisamy said that all the budget as a hypocritic budget.