Tamilnadu Chief Minister MK Stalin on Monday met President Ramnath Kovind and extended an invitation for the centenary celebrations of the Madras Province. The Provincial Assembly was formed on 12.1.1921 with the Whole of Tamilnadu and included parts of Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Karnataka, Telangana, Odisha and the Union Territory of Lakshadweep.
Addressing the media at Delhi, Chief Minister Stalin said that the President had accepted the invitation and the dates of the celebration to be finalised in a few days.
He told that the President would also participate in laying the foundation for the Kalaignar library at Madurai, the multi speciality hospital to be built at Chennai and also for construction of a
memorial arch celebrating 75 years of Indian Independence near the War Memorial at Chennai.
He will also unvail the portrait of former Chief Minister Karunanidhi inside the State Assembly campus.
Replying to a question on Mekedatu reservoir at River Cauvery, Stalin said that Tamilnadu had passed a resolution at the All party meeting and resolved to stand together to oppose Karnataka’s move. Stalin said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Union Minister for water resources had assured that permission would not be granted .
The Chief Minister said that Tamilnadu would seek a legal remedy on the issue if Karnataka proceeds with the Construction.