Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M. K. Stalin inaugurated a new scheme for children who have lost their parents due to COVID. The scheme assures five lakh rupees deposit and takes care of their education until they attain 18 years of age. The amount is invested in Tamil Nadu Power Finance and Infrastructure Development Corporation limited.
Chief Minister Stalin met the children accompanied by their care givers and assured them of supporting their education and employment. The State Government also will give an immediate benefit of three lakh rupees to enable care takers to support the children. The
Government also plans to pay 3,000 rupees per month to those who are having the custody of the orphaned children.
The Government also deposited three lakh rupees to Children who have lost any parent due to COVID. Five lakh deposit scheme also goes for Children who have lost their single parent due to COVID. This amount could be used after they attain 18 years of age. The District Monitoring Committee will check the accounts of each child. The Government said that these children will be given priority in Government homes and hostels.