Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin is on his first visit to districts to review the COVID situation yesterday. After his visit to Salem, Stalin inaugurated CODISSIA Covid Care Centre at Coimbatore. He also reviewed the district situation with the authorities. Two more Siddha Covid care centres were also inaugurated at the Centre.
The Chief Minister also visited a private engineering College which has a COVID Care Centre in its campus. He will visit Madurai and Tiruchirapalli today to review the prevailing COVID
In another development, Chief Minister Stalin has ordered the authorities to quickly release the ex gratia amount of Rs 25 lakh to the families of the deceased police personnel who lost their lives to COVID. 84 police officials have succumbed to the pandemic in the State.
The Chief Minister also appreciated Ilayarani who took an elderly COVID patient who had fainted in the middle of the road at Salem to the nearby hospital in her two wheeler. Ilayarani was gifted a book from the Chief Minister.