Chief Minister M K Stalin urged them to be goodwill ambassadors and bring in more investors to the State that had seen Rs 9,74,000 crore worth investments flowing in during the last three years, generating 31 lakh direct and indirect jobs. Addressing an event organized in Chennai on Wednesday by the industries department to launch 19 projects worth Rs 17,616 crore to provide jobs for 64,968 persons and to lay the foundation for 28 industrial schemes, costing Rs 51,157 crore with a potential to create 41,835 jobs, Stalin said industrial growth led to the State’s development and employment led to growth of families.

Investors were preferring Tamil Nadu because of the prevailing peaceful law and order situation as it would enable them to run their businesses without any hassles, thus putting the State on the path to reach its target of becoming a ‘US Dollar One Trillion’ economy by 2030, he said. Investments in high technology

industries with potential to generate more jobs were coming to the State as the government was making efforts to ensure that the industries went on steam without any hitch and it had been proved by Wednesday’s launch of so many industries in diverse sectors.

The new launches were in automobiles, general production, industrial parks, electronics, medical appliances, information technology, food processing, chemicals, textiles and apparels, biotechnology and green hydrogen. The achievement was encouraging for the government that gave importance to women’s progress and development of all sectors, social growth and the improvement of all districts, he said, adding that the industrial projects started in the districts led to the enhancement of infrastructural facilities everywhere and also gave an opportunity for the youth and women to get jobs in localities close to their homes.

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