New Delhi: The Department of Telecommunication under the Communications Ministry is celebrating Bharat Internet Utsav from the 7th of this month. The aim of this Utsav is to share various empowering real-life stories about the transformation brought by the internet into the lives of people.
In this regard, the Department has invited people to share video stories showcasing how the internet has transformed the lives of people.
The Department said that for the
competition, the contestants are required to upload their video stories on their social media platforms using the hashtag Bharat Internet Utsav and also on the MYGOV platform.
The Department said that the competition will conclude on the 21st of this month and the winner of the competition will receive a cash prize of 15 thousand rupees. The Department further said that interested people may submit their videos at www[dot]innovateindia[dot]mygov[dot].