Bhopal: Unidentified miscreants on Thursday morning vandalised a Shiva temple in Bamori under Guna district in Madhya Pradesh, sparking tension in the area, police said. The incident came to light when devotees visited the temple at around five am to worship the presiding deity of the shrine. Villagers visiting the temple found that the ‘Shivling’ was uprooted and the idol of ‘Nandi’, installed inside the shrine, was damaged, police said.

The locals immediately reported the matter to the police. The desecration of the temple has caused strong resentment among the villagers. The locals staged demonstrations in the town demanding immediate arrest of the accused, police said. The irate villagers

also observed a shutdown in the area in protest against the incident. Police rushed to the spot to take control of the situation. According to Bamori police station in-charge Aurovind Gaud, the villagers suspected involvement of six-seven people in the incident.

A case has been registered against unidentified miscreants in connection with the incident under appropriate sections of Indian Penal Code (IPC), Mr Gaud said. The footage of CCTV installed near the temple was being scrutinised to identify the accused, he added. Police forces have been deployed in the town to ensure that the incident did not flare up communal strife in the area, police said.

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