In Jammu and Kashmir, terrorists shot dead BJP Sarpanch and his wife in Anantnag town yesterday. Official sources said, the terrorists barged inside the rented accommodation of the BJP Sarpanch Ghulam Rasool Dar at Lal Chowk in Anantnag town and fired indiscriminately upon him and his wife.
Both Dar and his wife were critically wounded in the attack and shifted to Government Medical College in Anantnag where doctors declared them “brought dead. The couple were the residents of Redwani village in Kulgam
district. Police and other security forces have cordoned off the entire area and have launched a massive manhunt to nab the assailants.
Meanwhile, Lietenant Governor Manoj Sinha has strongly condemned the brutal terrorist attack on the Sarpanch and his wife. He said, the killing of the couple is an act of cowardice and perpetrators of violence will be brought to justice very soon. He expressed his deepestest condolences to the bereaved family in this time of grief.