Srinagar: In the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir, terrorists on Thursday barged into Government Boys Higher Secondary School at Eidgah in the outskirts of Srinagar city and shot dead two teachers from point blank range. The slain teachers have been identified as Supinder Kaur who was Principal of the school and a teacher Deepak Chand.
J&K Director General of Police (DGP) Dilbagh Singh while condemning the incident has said that the killing of unarmed civilians in Srinagar is a move to damage and attack the age-old traditional communal harmony in Kashmir. He said that police
will nab the killers very soon.
Earlier on Tuesday this week, there civilians, including Makhan Lal Bindroo, the owner of famous pharmacy in Srinagar, were shot dead by terrorists in separate incidents in Srinagar and Bandipora districts.
Meanwhile, Lietenant Governor Manoj Sinha has strongly condemned the barbaric killing of two teachers by terrorists in Srinagar on Thursday. He said a befitting reply will be given to the perpetrators of the heinous terror attacks on innocent civilians in Kashmir.